Kelly.D.Joseph PHC Nurse Practitioner Designated Capacity Assessor

I am a Primary Health Care Nurse Practitioner registered and licensed in the Provinces of Ontario and Nunavut. I am also a Designated Capacity Assessor designated by the Ministry of the Attorney General’s Office to conduct various legal forms assessments under Ontario’s Substitute Decisions Act, 1992. I am authorized to perform assessments of mental capacity for personal care and financial decision-making. As part of my clinical practice, I also conduct assessments of other forms of legal capacity, where an opinion of capacity is needed to facilitate a legal proceeding, such as granting/revoking a power of attorney or making a will change, or when the validity of a particular action or decision that the person made, or wishes to make, is in question because of possible incapacity.

The process includes:

Interview and assessment of the client
Preparing the legal documents post interview
Filing and delivery of all documents to the rightful party
Reviewing requests for capacity whether it be for Property or Personal Care
Gathering further information regarding the clients situation which may entails an overview of medical, financial and certain legal documents
Ensuring requests are appropriate and that the correct forms are filled out prior to the assessment Sec. 16. Form 4)

Capacity Assessment

A  ‘Capacity assessor’ is someone who is a regulated practitioner, qualified and designated through the Ministry of Attorney General’s Office to determine whether an individual is mentally capable or incapable of certain types of decision-making as described in the Substitute Decisions Act.

Capacity Assessment

A  ‘Capacity assessor’ is someone who is a regulated practitioner, qualified and designated through the Ministry of Attorney General’s Office to determine whether an individual is mentally capable or incapable of certain types of decision-making as described in the Substitute Decisions Act.

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Accusam et justo
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Hendrerit in vulputate

Contact us


+1 (705) 255-7023


Primary Address

199 Laurier Street,
Gatineau, Quebec
J8X 0C3

Mailling Address

468 Old Hwy 17N 
Goulais River ON
P0S 1E0